WGS 206 Feminist&Queer Dis/Ability Std

This course explores discourses and experiences of identity, difference, and power from the lens of Feminist and Queer Dis/Ability Studies, or ‘crip’ theory. Crip theory has recently emerged as a subfield of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies that unsediments our hegemonic notions of able-bodied-ness and neurotypicality as they intersect with our embodied and felt experiences of sex, gender, and sexuality. In this class, we will de-naturalize and de-pathologize disability by examining theories and literature that unsettle the ability/disability binary. We will do so by focusing on intersectional experiences of women, especially women of color and queer, trans, and gender non-conforming people who struggle with dis/abilities. We will read articles by prominent scholars in disability studies as well as more popular media texts like blog posts. (African Americans’, Appalachians’, and Women's Perspective.)


1 Course Credit