Professional Development and Funding

The continuing professional growth of each faculty member is a matter of interest to the entire College community. Faculty are selected who are well-prepared in their subject fields and knowledgeable about related fields, and who show clear promise of being stimulating teachers, wise counselors, and significant contributors to campus life. While responsibility for fulfilling that promise rests primarily with the individual, faculty development on campus is overseen by the Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, in consultation with the Provost, Dean of Faculty, and the Associate Provost.

The Faculty Development arm of the Center for Teaching and Learning offers resources and professional development opportunities for individuals and groups in two ways: 1) through direct services and 2) as a collaborative home for faculty and staff colleagues who bring particular areas of experience, expertise, and perspective to the shared project of teaching and learning. Faculty Development opportunities include, among other things: individual consultations; midterm assessments of teaching; support for work toward tenure, promotion, and post-tenure review; new faculty programs (including orientation and a year-long seminar); faculty learning communities; mentoring programs; support for faculty at midcareer; course design institutes; writing pedagogy support; tailored workshops on request; pedagogy book awards; guest pedagogy expert presentations and workshops; professional writing retreats; and a semester-long student-faculty partnerships program.

Institutional support is available in a number of forms. In addition to the on-campus seminars and workshops supervised by the Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, departmental funds may be used to attend professional meetings. Funding for sabbatical leaves may be available. Additional funds are also available by application to the Dean of Faculty. Questions related to professional growth activities and funding may be directed to the Office of Academic Affairs.