Public Safety Escorts

Escorts to and from on-campus locations will be given to students, faculty, staff, and visitors for safety concerns, after dark, and for medical reasons. The intent of this service is to provide members of the College community with safe transportation who are either physically unable to traverse the campus or are concerned for their safety.  These escorts are only provided to and from locations on Berea College’s Campus and Public Safety Officers do not give escorts to or from off-campus locations.

Safety Escorts

Public Safety will provide escorts for up to two people for safety concerns.  These escorts may be provided using carts or patrol vehicles, or a Public Safety Officer may provide a walking escort.   

Medical Escorts

Public Safety provides escorts as a service to the community and aids those with physical ailments in traversing the campus, when possible.  Public Safety will provide escorts for those with short term injuries for a limited time.  Individuals with long-term needs (e.g. physical disabilities, broken ankles, torn ACL, etc.) will need to make arrangements for transportation or parking privileges through Disability Services or Student Life.  Specific needs for transportation (inability to get into patrol vehicles or tall carts) should be communicated with Public Safety Dispatch at the time of escort request.  Requests for transportation should be made at the time the transportation is needed, and cannot be scheduled ahead of time. 

General Information

Public Safety staff responds to all calls for escorts as quickly as possible.  It is the responsibility of the caller to be present when the Public Safety Officer arrives.  Public Safety reserves the right to deny escorts at their discretion due to callers not being present at officer arrival, disruptive behavior, or abuse of the service.