Medical Amnesty Policy

Medical Amnesty Policy

The Medical Amnesty Policy promotes the well-being and safety of all Berea College students in

situations involving medical risks from alcohol or drug consumption. Students involved in an

alcohol or drug policy violation who seek medical attention or assistance would be provided

amnesty from College judicial action and would include:


1. The student(s) who requested medical attention for themselves or another party;

2. Student(s) for whom medical attention was sought; and

3. Other involved students who assisted in contacting and complying with emergency



The Office of Student Life may take action for the student(s) granted amnesty in one or more of

the following ways:

• Referral to an Alcohol and Other Drugs Counselor for an alcohol or drug assessment.

• Referral to Student Health Services.

• Referral to educational opportunities to assist in avoiding future high-risk choices.

• Initiate a Behavioral Contract that outlines specific strategies and interventions the

student will engage in to prevent future high-risk choices.

• Parental, guardian, or emergency contact notification.


Amnesty is only extended in the first instance in which a student needs individual assistance. A

student involved in an incident will not be cited for any offense under the Alcohol or Drug

Policy in the Student Conduct Regulations/Student Handbook but may be required to complete

alcohol/drug education and may receive a substance abuse assessment.


Medical amnesty will not be granted to students who refuse to cooperate with medical providers,

law enforcement, or College personnel when medical assistance is sought.


In cases where a medical professional or counselor believes a student referred to them is a

significant risk to themselves or is currently unable to handle the responsibilities of collegiate

life, it may be recommended for the student to take a medical leave of absence or be referred to

an administrative panel.


This policy does not apply to other violations of College policies or criminal offenses committed

while under the influence of an intoxicating substance. Medical amnesty only applies to

violations of the Student Conduct Regulations: A Way of Living and the Berea College Student

Handbook. This policy does not limit the actions of any law enforcement agency.