Bereavement Leave


The College recognizes that the occurrence of a death in the immediate family of an employee will require the absence from work of that employee for a period of time. Up to three (3) work days leave with pay for attendance to funeral matters may be granted in cases involving the death of in the immediate family of a full-time, regular employee or a part-time, regular benefited employee.

  For the purposes of this policy, the term “immediate family” is defined as spouse, domestic partner, parents of domestic partner, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, child, step parent, step child, brother, sister, grandchildren, or grandparent of the employee. If the employee has a family member living in their home for whom they are responsible for the primary care giving, or if the employee was raised by a person who is not considered immediate family, the employee’s supervisor, department or division head may approve funeral leave for that purpose.


Employees must request the use of funeral leave in advance of the absence. The funeral leave use is indicated on the employee’s timesheet and is paid as work time, not requiring it to be taken from the employee’s vacation leave balance.

Attendance at the funeral of other relatives or friends can also be arranged with the supervisor in advance of the absence; however, this time must be deducted from the employee’s vacation leave balance.  The supervisor may approve leave without pay for the purpose of attendance at funerals for persons other than an employee’s immediate family members, giving consideration to the workforce needs of the department.

Emergency or temporary employees are not eligible for paid funeral leave.