GST 300 Entrepreneurial Experience

Entrepreneurial leadership is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field of study for individuals interested in changing the world through commercial and social innovation. Students will be actively engaged in this emerging field through: reading articles, actively participating in classroom discussions, exploring creativity, evaluating field-based opportunities and cases of General Education / Appalachian Studies Revised Course Designation Peter H Hackbert 4 entrepreneurial enterprises, interviewing community and civic leaders, entrepreneurs and small business owners, watching videos, and engaging with civic leaders and entrepreneurs. Through the course, students will create value propositions for innovation projects that meet the
communities’ needs, support personal student aspirations, and make an impact for the public good. Students will reflect upon their own identity as entrepreneurial leaders applying entrepreneurial leadership concepts in their final portfolios. Student will learn to access resources outside their control and confront ambiguity and uncertainty. Students will work in teams of 4-5 on the social change projects in partnership with community members. Meets the Active Learning Experience (ALE).


1 Course Credit